I didn't get the ABC internship...

so...yeah that's a little bummer.... Of the three things I was hoping would happen this week, this was kind of the big one I was REALLY pushing for. But hey, it's definitely not the end of the world and I actually took it better than I thought I would. I had a nice little moment where as soon as I opened the email I quickly covered the paragraph with my hands, my heart was beating out of control, and even though I was super excited I told myself that if I didn't get it, that would be totally fine and I would just go another direction. SO... new direction it is! :)
We'll see how well I do on the next two pitches....Provence Job and $500.00 grocery gift card... I don't know... I might be striking out....
My friend Danielle applied for it as well and received the same news.... we decided we were over qualified haha. Actually we're both still keen on moving back out to LA and we're just going to use this summer to just work and save money for a hopeful Fall departure! :D
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