I'm weird.

I'm in a really weird mood right now. It's not even my normal weird. It's a whole lot more existentialist and grander weird. Let me try to explain....

I feel very full of life... and with that I am beginning to realize how precious life is. Ha....yes, this is going to be a weirdly deep post.

I'm turning 23 this year. This is the first time I've ever wished I could slam on the brakes of growing older and take a minute to reassess everything. 23 is still really young as an adult, but really old for a child. So in a sense I am just a baby adult. The world is totally new to me now in a different way. Instead of being guided in everything I do, I am now the one making my life choices. With that knowledge I know there a lot of potential with what I choose to do (or don't do). There is so much I want to see and do; I want to start DOING it all now and not wish I had 30 years from now. I just have no clue where to start....

I am basically just feeling really overwhelmed with life. God has blessed me with so much love and freedom I just want to be able to use who I am to the best of my potential. I made a awesome kid (haha).... now I just want to be a great adult.

4:50, Ouch, Beeeddddd.....

I am so tired. SO tired I am yawning as I write this....

I've been working QUITE a bit the past couple days. All of them starting with my alarm going off at 4:50 am. That was not a type....i repeat 4:50 am. Mainly that is to give me a 10 minute wake up buffer till 5:00 where I actually have to be out of bed, get ready, and be at work at 6:00. Getting out of bed is the hardest part, but once I get going it's really not that bad. I find playing some jazz helps me. Then working at Provence goes by kind of quickly I think. Which is nice. Today like Sunday was a double shift though. So it was 6-1 at Provence then 1-6 at Anthropologie. Ouch.

Yeah I'm super tired, but I think I'm really going to like working both places. They're a good mix for me. Artsy and Chill. Plus I'm feeling super productive. Whereas before, I just felt like I was wasting time in between my Anthro shifts.

Alright, well I'm going to beeeeedddddd....... . . .. .... . .

Free bread, 911, Jazz

Hello eventful life all of a sudden!

So yesterday morning (friday) was my first day at Provence! It went really well! I had a great trainer the whole day and time just really flew by! PLUS I found out that I get to take a ton of free "waste" food that are basically untouched leftovers that are still good AND I get to take home a complimentary loaf of fresh baked bread each time i work! (which I'm eating right now) AND I get a free drink each time I work too AAAAND a 40% discount if I ever find reason to buy something from there! Sweet deal if you ask me!

After I got off work I went shopping to find some more work clothes since there is a "uniform" there. That was all nice till I was heading home waiting at a stop light when this blue jeep comes whizzing by and slams into the car to my front left which then dominos into 3 other cars! I turned on my flashers, got out and started asking people if they were alright and then dialed 911. I had never dialed it before! The people were alright just a little banged up and the guy that hit them was actually drunk. So because I saw it all I had to stick around and talk to the police to give my witness statement.

Then this morning I get a text from my roommate, Ashely, saying she was in a car accident last night on her way to Memphis. Her car flipped several times but she miraculously didn't break any bones but was just a little bruised. I couldn't believe it! So scary all these close calls... We've got some angels working overtime here.

Today I worked at Anthropologie from 5 to close so it's now 11:39, I have to be at Provence tomorrow morning at 7 work till 1 then I work again at Anthro from 2-8.... let the crazy schedules begin! Alright...well I'm going to finish my sleepy time tea turn off the jazz music (which I'm TOTALLY into right now) and hit the sack. Goodnight!

$9.00, Thrift Store, Napping

I finally busted out of my apartment today... I couldn't take it any longer. I was actually getting all dolled up and ready to go to work for my "on call" shift, called to make sure they wanted me to come in....and they didn't. Instead I went to the bank and cashed in $9.00 worth of rolled coins I had stashed under my bed. I wouldn't even really call it an emergency fund since it was only $9.00 so I suppose stash or loot or bounty will have to do.

Well that trip took about 8 minutes...so I had to think fast of something else I could do to get me out of the apartment.... THRIFT STORE! I LOVE thrift stores and I remembered that I had mentioned finding some cute beach coverup equivalent to something they have at Anthropologie. Well I would say my trip was successful! A few quick and simple alterations and voila! Ok, I won't build it up too much because it may not turn out looking so good...we'll see.

Right now I'm back at the apartment, sitting on my deck, and waiting for my roommate to wake up from a nap so we can do something! .....oh me....i need a life...

Rain, Rain, Rain

So that last comment about the pouring rain was a bit of an understatement to say the least....

it rained...

and rained....

and finally....rained some more.

It's probably the most rain I've ever seen in my life....probably for Nashville too since there have been some major flooding going on as a result. I've never been around a flood before. I think for some reason in my mind Tennessee couldn't get flooded...not so true. My apartment, fortunately, is at a really great high spot, so we were in a pretty good spot. I've signed up with the local volunteer program, they said they're organizing what needs to be done right now and that they'll start sending teams out this evening. I'm free right now since my work called and said not to come in. Only the managers were working today.... I can't imagine that anyone would go out and shop though...

So! I'm here at my apartment all day! Can't go out...for 2 reasons... 1: My mom told me not to and 2: I still only have my 3 dollars in my account and if I go somewhere I'm sure to be tempted to buy a coffee or something... so I won't. I am SO going to make it till Thursday! :)

Strike Two, Home-run, Orange Beach

Strike 2....the grocery gift card turned out to just be a mass of coupons this company was promising to give me over the next year complete with a monthly membership fee.... no thanks....


HOME-RUN with the Provence job!! They want to hire me! After waiting for his call for about 2 weeks, the guy finally called me and left a voicemail that at first didn't sound very promising but then he said "So we think you would be a great fit for a position here at Provence!" HOORAY! I have a second job! This is of course very good news but then it also means crazy busy schedules to come....but then that also means some more much needed fund-age.

I've never been able to have a job that I could put money into savings with. This is new to me, but I'm really excited! I'm being careful with my money, however a recent purchase of work shoes set me back a bit SO as a test of my will to save... I shall not spend a penny until Thursday of this coming week.... ha...seriously though. I have groceries and a semi full tank of gas...I think I can make it. Honestly the only thing that threatens to be my downfall is grabbing a glorious cup of coffee at Panera....*sigh* I can do it though!

In other news... I found out this week that my family is going on vacation this summer! YAY! We used to always go to the beach every year but the past couple of years we haven't been able to, but nothing is stopping us this time! We're going to Orange Beach in Alabama!

With the beach in mind, working at Anthropologie is a constant struggle with all it's great vacation/summer/beach clothes around. However, I feel like an hour or so spent at a thrift store and a few alterations could produce some very similar and tremendously cheaper alternatives :)

Well I should probably head off to work.... 12-4 today. It's only 11:05 right now but it's been pouring rain all morning so I better give myself some time to get through traffic. Alrighty! Hope everyone is having a great day!