Pitiful... my last post was in November....
Fortunately my life hasn't been as uneventful as the activity on my blog... ha :)
So let's see...since November, I still wasn't able to get a job because no one wanted to hire somebody that was going to be gone 2 weeks of the Holiday Season (which actually turned into 3 weeks). Yes, after going home and thoroughly enjoying myself I decided to add on an extra week to my holiday! So I had nice long break and a good dose of visiting done with my friends and family. (Except for Amelia who took off to Oregon..) but everyone else I'm sure was sick of me!
Christmas was great and really really special this year. I'm going to say it was my first actual adult Christmas. This was the first year that there has been a new baby in the family, Little Emma :) It's only going to get better as she grows up too! Also, I had a special guest of my own come this year ;) which was a first for me and very fun to experience sharing Christmas with someone special. Not to mention Santa was very generous this year too! Thanks to Amazon's amazing wish list feature, Santa knew exactly what to get this picky giftee!
I think wish lists are a great idea... and not just for Christmas and birthdays either! It's good to have wishes and desires that you vocalize. When you tell people what you want, it becomes more real to you. Sort of how in high school when I had a crush on a guy I didn't like to tell anyone, not even my best friend (much to her chagrin) because then if I told someone it wasn't a nice little secret kept to myself but instead it begins a snowball effect of "ok, what is the next course of action for this, because this person I just told is going to want see progress" haha which is good for some people, but little Ellen was too nervous to ever tell a guy she liked him so she preferred her crushes kept to herself!
Anyway...back to wish lists.
It's great to know what you want and tell people. I've always wanted to work at Disney. Just about anyone who knows me well knows this, and because they know this they'll ask me about it, which encourages me to take action towards that dream so i'll actually have something to report back. SO! To all you concerned friends of mine out there... I actually applied to Walt Disney World today... haha yes, after YEARS of dreaming I've finally taken an actual step towards it. Cool huh!?
The probability of me getting hired is honestly very slim, but still I am proud that I've actually applied and we will see now how it goes! I applied for Costuming, which would be helping out with the wardrobe department and taking care of all those amazing costumes!!! We will see how it goes!
I'm tired of typing so I'll hopefully update again soon and not 2 months from now! Bye!