So, 4 months later.... here's an update!
I'm Back!, Things are good, 4th of July
Upside down Birds, Shout Out, Good Things
Sitting on the floor of my now, packed-up, Florida bedroom. I am all ready for my big move back home to Tennessee!!!
Decaf, Pouty-face, Mini-Vacay
Good morning from Lakeland, Florida!
Busy, Recluse, 6 Weeks
Guess what?! I've actually been BUSY once again in my life!
Valentine's, Lucky Girl, Cutest Picture

FIVE, Clockwork, Focus
I just feel so happy right now.
Nomad, Super Bowl, Home
I went back and read some of my past blog posts this morning. Starting from when I first moved into the Buford house in Nashville. Man, a lot has changed since then. My life has been basically unsettled for the past 5 years. Went to college, transferred colleges, moved back and forth for 3 years, tornado, moved into apartment, moved to LA, Nashville, from apartment to house in Nashville, and now to Florida. It's become a little exhausting! I've learned a lot in each place though and it's all for a reason :)
Happy, "Work", Professional
Can I just say how happy I am doing EXACTLY what I'm doing right now? :) It's a great feeling.
Michelangelo, Chisel, Masterpiece
How nice it is to feel content...
Chipper, Outback, Retirement
The results are in...... the outcome of the audition?????
Good Morning, Depressed, Disney Princess
Good Morning!
Pitiful, Extended Holiday, Wish Lists
Pitiful... my last post was in November....