Autumn-esque, Gnawing, Ponies

Hello Everyone and Happy Halloween Week!

I've always really loved Halloween for some reason! Maybe it's simply because it's just another excuse to wear a costume! I feel like it has taken a while but Fall has finally started to mingle it's way out here to L.A. It's actually about 84 out today but tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60's, so it's gradually cooling down, the trees that aren't palms are beginning to loose some leaves, and now thanks to my parent's care package I have three mini pumpkins, more candy corn, and mulling spices! I'm feeling a bit more Autumn-esque! Which is why my friend Tera and I are hosting a Fall Fun Fest at my apartment on Friday! We're going to have chili, apple cider, pumpkin muffins, and pumpkin carving! I'm really excited! We're going to need that time to wind down before thing get really crazy over the weekend! That's when filming for CANDY starts! I can't believe it's already time to start filming! I remember thinking, man that's not till the end of the semester! and now it's here!
I've got this week to get ALL the costumes, props, and sets completely mashed out and locked down. oh my... I'm feeling pretty good about the costumes. I've still got some stuff to find and make but right now my main concern is dressing some of the sets to make them look really good and believable for our horror fairy tale!
Speaking of horror. I was in another zombie film yesterday. It's so weird to me that I keep getting sucked into helping make horror films when I absolutely can't stand to watch them! I will admit, though, they're pretty fun to make! So, anyways, I was a zombie and REALLY got into it. Perhaps a bit too much, I was gnawing on my friend Kelsey's ankle for a good few minutes at one point while everyone was just sort of "fake" chewing/hovering over her... nope ... not me ... gnawing!'s going to be pretty funny though!
Good news! I believe I mentioned before how my brother and sister in law are coming out to visit... my sister and brother in law are coming too!!!! YAY! I'm so HAPPY! I've just got to figure out what all I'm going to take them to and entertain them with! BUT I'm so excited to see them! Especially since it's the week before Thanksgiving and I won't get to be home with them, but I MIGHT be in Vegas! Wouldn't that make for an interesting Thanksgiving!
Before I go, here's a couple pictures my dad sent me of my home in Sparta and our new ponies we just got!


Do you ever have those days where you're looking forward to something that evening so much that the rest of the day, which was actually fine and normal, seemed awful and long? Well I do... and I did.... today.

After my internship ended at 6:00, Michael (my fellow intern) and I started our 45 minute drive back home due to intense Friday evening traffic....ugggg. After sitting inside all day all I wanted to do was move around and feel the breeze but all I got was stalled car exhaust and angry people honking their horns.
Once I FINALLY got home... Maggie and I grabbed our belongings and then booked it on over to Kelsey's for GIRL'S NIGHT!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!! We had been talking about it all week and I've been so pumped to just sit with girls and do girly things! For instance: we made a delicious tortellini chicken creamy pesto dinner with salad and garlic bread (mmm!) THEN as we digested we went to the hot tub to relax and unwind (totally did the trick!) NEXT we went back to the apartment for Chocolate Covered Strawberries for dessert! (perfection!) And while we munched on those we also play....PRETTY PRETTY PRINCESS!!! MY FAVORITE!!!! except I didn't win. :( but I will next time! Just you wait Princess of the Sea! THEN we had just your general and fabulous girl talk time which then transitioned into....drumroll please....."The Hannah Montana Movie!" SO CHEESY, but that's what girl nights are for! Am I right!? And finally we ended the evening with me dying Maggie's hair. (which looks fabulous!)
Basically, girl's nights are wonderful and I encourage everyone to try it out. Feel free to use some of our activities for your own evening but also be creative and create your own! For example, all our guy friends were jealous of our girl night, so they decided to have one of their own! It's still technically considered a "Girl Night" but they might have exchanged Hannah Montana and discussing feelings for Texas Hold' Em and potato chips. Make it your own!

Bliss, Done, $13.00

Oh bliss...I got to sleep in today! YAY! I didn't get up till 11:30! I NEVER sleep in that late, but it was mandatory...So I'm nice and kind of rested, at least more than I have been for the past week and a half.

I turned in my last MPP project yesterday! (The little Amine girl movie?) Yeah! So I turned it in and it went over pretty well I guess! I'm just happy to be done! It was totally fun to work on but... you know what I mean!
My Dad has been sending me regular updates on our new kittens that the barn kitty had. They're SO cute and I wish I was at home so I could play with them!
Production for "CANDY" is moving along swimmingly...well at least for my part. We're having a hard time settling locations. BUT I hit the jack pot at this thrift store where everything is a dollar and I got a ton of stuff for my costumes for only $13.00! AMAZING! Especially when I was budgeting around $25.00 for each character! I love me some deals!
Here's the link to my youtube page if you want to check out my new video!


Crimson, Janitor, Traffic

"Daddy! Meet the Crimson Crusador!"
This was a short I just acted in for my friend Mitch. It's going to be hilarious. I bring my superhero boyfriend home to meet my supervillain dad. So funny and incredibly hard to shoot due to intense giggle factor.
I writing from my internship. It's 6:06 and I've been here all day. It's a whole lot of sitting except when I get up and venture to the printer. The cleaning lady is here collecting all the trash. This is going to sound really really weird but I've always loved the sound of janitor's keys jingling as they clean. You don't have to call me a freak because I already know I am one. Hahaha...ha...
SO! Sorry this is so short and uninteresting but I need to get going if I'm ever going to make it through the downtown Hollywood traffic...sigh....

Bleepin, Pedro, Healthy

It was 6 bleepin 30 in the morning *ahem*...andrea...that my brother and sister in law are for sure coming to visit me in November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!! I've been missing everyone so much and now I get to see two of them!!!! I was just telling my Dad today how wonderful November is going to be! The "Ellen" show, Imogen Heap, John and Andrea, possibly Vegas, Thanksgiving, Rooney....etc....I'm excited!

Last night was great! I made "No-Peak Chicken" for my roomies and some friends last night. We actually sat at the table and ate a was a first since we've been here! Then I served brownies for dessert! MMM!! Then I'm just hanging out in my room later around 11:30 and Maggie calls saying to get my bootie on down to the ArchLight cause she has an extra ticket for the midnight showing of "Where the Wild Things Are". It wasn't just any showing either! It was some production people exclusive showing so they were passing out paper crowns and had a raffle in the theatre before the movie started.....which.....I happened to win something!!! I got a DVD collection set of Spike Jonze short films and music videos and such. (He's the guy that directed WTWTA). So! I was very pleased! SO! I watch the movie which was GREAT and I find out later, from my friends that forgot to tell me at the time, that the person sitting in front of me (who I accidentally stuck my feet right in his face at one point...oops) was PEDRO from Napoleon Dynamite! So random! Too bad I didn't grab a pic....
So instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour and catching up on sleep like my mother instructed me to, I went to a midnight show and didn't get back till 3 a.m.... I'm literally running on fumes...and coffee......and chocolate.... i'm so healthy.

Better Rain, Yellow, Kittens

Oh what a beautiful morning!

The rain has stopped after a pretty much non-stop day of it yesterday. I liked it, but for some reason it wasn't as enjoyable as it is back home. Rain doesn't really suit LA. It just makes everything that already had layers of ash and dust on it all gritty and streaky. It doesn't feel clean because you know it's picking up so many polluted air particles on it's way down, and it was kind of a wimpy rain the whole time. HOWEVER, I was very very thankful for it! I'm just saying...TN rain is better :)

Today is yellow day. Every Thursday for the past 4-5 weeks we've been having a specific color day. Today is yellow! I had to get up early and go do laundry so that I could have something to wear. I literally rolled out of bed (pj's and all), grabbed my laundry bag & detergent, and went down to the basement. Miraculously I didn't see anyone... They might've been terrified to go back down and do laundry ever again!

Dad said our barn cat had kittens!! I'm so excited to see them! I LOVE kittens. Probably one of my favorite things in the world. Then egg nog, sonic ice, and mistletoe.

I think it's about time to go flip my laundry! I hope you're all having a good day!

That's How You Know!

just to make sure I'm not losing my touch....

Mornin People, Kelsey, ZZZ


Excuse my blogging absence over the past couple was my mini break, which turned out to not be a relaxing, take it easy, long weekend, but rather the busiest school break of my life! Busy but good. Let me tell...
FRIDAY, I already mentioned this, but I made pancakes that morning for all my friends that AREN'T morning people (giving them a taste of their own medicine for keeping me up so late all the time ;) j/k...). That afternoon, my amazing and super talented friend Kelsey Navarro set up auditions for the roles in my new short "Pretty Soldier Sailor Sun". It was so interesting and neat to see an idea of yours being taken seriously enough for it to just not be a joke among friends but as a real production. It was cool! I'm so thankful for Kelsey and how much she helped me. It really made a major difference on...
SATURDAY when we actually filmed my short and the actors and actresses showed up and they were all wonderful! I'm in the process of editing this week and seriously can't wait to finish it up! That evening I was so exhausted I took a bath and completely nearly drowned because I was so relaxed. It was heaven! Then I walked to the center with my pal, Joe, so that I could upload my new footage and while that happened I watched "Quest for Camelot." I just love that movie. It's so cheesy, but whoever was in charge of the music for that cartoon was really on top of their job!
SUNDAY I acted in, my friend, Danielle's short. I ran back to my room, changed, ate, and then sped back out the door to make it to a Jason Mraz concert on time. It was in San Diego which is about a two hour drive from here, but the concert was one dollar, and SO amazing! If it's possible he may even be BETTER in concert! So, we got back around 2 something...then I had to get up this morning and go costume shopping for CANDY which is going to start happening very very soon. This afternoon was nice. Danielle, Dana, and I (all on the CANDY crew) went location scouting at Griffith park. It felt so nice to be around trees and get some fresh air other than car exhaust. Then I made my way back to the center for some more editing until about it's two...and I'm literally lying on my bed, typing with my eyes closed. It's time for me to say goodnight.
Goodnight :) zzz zzzz zzzzzzz....

Please Pray...

I'm making pancakes for a group of people this morning! I'll try to make you proud, Dad!

Other than the pancakes, I've actually had a rather sad morning. I just found out that my little sister in ZTA, Bonnie,her brother accidentally shot himself in the head last night. He's in the hospital but they're fairly certain he's not going to make it. As if that isn't devastating enough, she just lost her father unexpectedly just this summer because of a heart attack. I can't imagine what her family is going through.... So, if you all could just keep the Wilkes family in your prayers that would be greatly appreciated.

I'm missing you all! And I hope everything is going well. This weekend we have Friday and Monday off, so it will be nice to have a long weekend but it's still going to be busy with filming my movie and helping other's with theirs. So, poo...

Morning, Break, Chili

*SIGH*.....Good Morning!

Today is starting off nice and slow...and I love it! I went and got a bowl of cereal, came back to my warm bed, ate, and played this new silly game I got hooked on, on facebook. The day has been fabulous so far.
I have Theology in Hollywood at 10, an internship meeting at 12, then mpp class at 4 and that should do it as far as school goes today!
This weekend is our little mini fall break from internships. So I don't have to go anywhere on Friday and Monday!! YAY! It's going to be so great to just have a long weekend. I still have a lot I'll need to get done such as film my new short, but that should be fairly entertaining to do.
My friend, Joe, and I always somehow manage to start talking about holidays and home, which is sort of a dumb idea because then we both get really homesick :( BUT one of my other friends, Tera, and I decided we're going to have a Fall night! Complete with a pot of chili, pumpkin carving, and apple cider! It couldn't be more perfect! I'm already really excited! Well I better go get ready for class....see ya!

Dyed, Scones, Weirdo

I dyed my hair! I like it being darker....makes me feel more...mysterious... haha

I also made some scones! Which I'm eating for breakfast right now before I head out for my internship. Gotta start the day of right!

Pre-production for my next short is going well. It is now officially called Pretty Solider Sailor Sun. (It's supposed to be a pun on a real anime cartoon). One of my friends, Kelsey, is the producer for me, which is AMAZING. She is casting real actors for me and will help me find locations and such. It's a great help! It was funny, yesterday it was REALLY slow at work so I started to do some homework and I began to sketch out little anime girls (a prop for my movie) and I kept on looking over my shoulder afraid that someone would catch me drawing little Japanese looking people and think i'm a weirdo! ....hahaha I'm just like my character!

I went and saw Zombieland the other night.... oh dear....let's just say I'm not a horror movie person. I KNOW it was a comdey....but still... it got pretty intense in places! I say everyone that I watched Zombieland with has to go see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D with me! :)

Buddies, NOON, Zombieland

So long sweet weekend.

Friday....GRIND meeting/ hanging out with my BUDDIES!
Saturday....slept till NOON! (couldn't believe myself) laid by the pool, played a dead body in someone's vampire movie, and then dyed my hair
Sunday.... slept in, went to church at NOON (that's right, they have church at NOON here in LA) then did some special effects makeup for one of my friend's movies, then did some homework at the center, and was talked into going to see.... zombieland.... i think most of you can imagine what face I'm making right now...yup. that's the one.
Tomorrow....I go to my internship all day and then have a mandatory screening for class that evening.

Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night


Okay, that last one didn't really count as a real I said, I had one too many candy corns.

SO! What have I been up to these past couple days...what HAVE I been up to?? Everything is starting to blur together, no, not like I'm about to pass out, but speed wise. The weeks are flying by! Today Danielle and I were in the pool (I know...I know... :) ) and she said she couldn't believe we only have 10 weeks left! WHA!?! I was stunned. I literally feel like I just got here! There's so much to be done between now and then! YIKES! One day at a time....I shall be of the present!

TODAY...I went to theology in hollywood at 10 o'clock! Then booked it to the pool where I jotted down my next pitch idea that I'm giving today in less than an hour....yup. I like my idea. (The anime girl one?) It cracks me up, I just hope people know I'm kidding about it...
I'm also meeting someone to talk about the possibility of me doing some design work for their short film. Not a class project short film...but a legit he has a budget 45 minute or so short film. In the words of Tony Hale.... "we'll see."