Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving
Time For a Refill!
Greetings from Florida!
busy busy dizzy :)
Holy macaroni.....it's time for an update.
Speaking Of....
It's OCTOBER..... oh my gosh...where has the time gone!? My mind has forgotten what it feels like to think and my body has forgotten what it feels like to sleep.... I feel fried... That may also be in part that I just got off work.
Comprehensive Fall and New Orlando
Here's something funny... I kind of forgot that this blog has a link on the Union website for all the film students to follow while I was out in LA. I'm sure it was informative for them while I was out there and actually posting about the various things I did there...but since then my blog has kind of been one long tangent about just random life stuff....aka my middle school journal posts! ha! mind you...there is STILL a link to my college website for all to see! lol...oh me....anyway at least my blog will be taking a turn BACK to film topics once I move to Florida.
Animal-crack-tella, crafts, Little Mermaid
Anyone ever tried chocolate animal crackers dipped in nutella???? de. lic. ious.... try it.
Baby Emma Kathryn Rager

Ellen in Florida
Well everyone... I have some exciting news. I am moving to Florida! That's right! Here's what happened....
Best Birthday Ever
Time is flying by.... I just scanned through my icalendar and saw just how busy and full my schedule has been. It's all been awesome stuff too!
Beach, Quit, Moved
wow...it's already been a month since I last updated? insane. goodness I don't even know where to start then....
Not Scheduled, Indefinitely, Freelance
Good Morning.... so.... it is currently 6:37 am on Thursday morning. By this time I was planning on having Provence (the coffee shop) in the finishing stages of getting ready to open. WELL turns out that when I got here at 5:50.....I wasn't scheduled to open! Yup....so I'm just sitting here watching the sun get higher and trying to decide what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. It's actually kind of a nice surprise I just can't help but be a little sad I didn't sleep more. oh well!! ;)
I'm weird.
I'm in a really weird mood right now. It's not even my normal weird. It's a whole lot more existentialist and grander weird. Let me try to explain....
4:50, Ouch, Beeeddddd.....
I am so tired. SO tired I am yawning as I write this....
Free bread, 911, Jazz
Hello eventful life all of a sudden!
$9.00, Thrift Store, Napping
I finally busted out of my apartment today... I couldn't take it any longer. I was actually getting all dolled up and ready to go to work for my "on call" shift, called to make sure they wanted me to come in....and they didn't. Instead I went to the bank and cashed in $9.00 worth of rolled coins I had stashed under my bed. I wouldn't even really call it an emergency fund since it was only $9.00 so I suppose stash or loot or bounty will have to do.
Rain, Rain, Rain
So that last comment about the pouring rain was a bit of an understatement to say the least....
Strike Two, Home-run, Orange Beach
Strike 2....the grocery gift card turned out to just be a mass of coupons this company was promising to give me over the next year complete with a monthly membership fee.... no thanks....
Wizard of Oz Weather

Strike One

Ghost Buster, Gas Card, Calling
Ellen in LA Sequel
Hello Everyone!!!
Entry # 10
March 6, 2001
Entry # 9
Jan. 31, 2001
Entry # 8
Jan. 18, 2001
Entry # 7
Jan. 17, 2001
Entry # 6
Jan. 16, 2001
Entry # 5
Jan. 15, 2001
Entry # 4
Good Morning! I'm glad to hear a couple of you are enjoying these posts! They are fun to write!
Entry # 3
Romans 12:1
Entry # 1 and # 2
Here is my first entry I once wrote into my little Winnie the Pooh journal. I think it should be noted right off that each post begins with "Dear Journal", a Bible verse, and of course the date. Very important.
Middle School Revisited
Alright...so here's the deal. As you may have already surmised from my previous blogs, I am in a transitional part of my life right now.
Senior Show, No School, Nashville
I love writing on this blog! Simply because I have no idea if anyone is reading it! Oh well! I shall continue to periodically update anyway!
Productive, Miss America, Slide off the Road
Oh what a day! First off... it snowed about half a foot here in Jackson, TN yesterday! It was gorgeous, but quite the pain in the tooshie to drive around in, especially since I'm in the last stages of prep for my senior show. AHH!!!! There are so many check lists going through my head right now... SO, today I had to be productive.
Good Morning!
Good morning everyone!